Warrior Family Books For NICU
Support parents and their premature infants in intensive care
Your $15 donation will gift a children's book for a special parent / infant
story time in a newborn intensive care unit!
Each time they visited their tiny son, they worried and wondered about how they could help and begin to bond with Anthony."The nurses suggested opening up the sides of the incubator so that he could hear our voices," Adrianna explained. "I would adjust the chair so I was right next to him and read. If he was having a bad day, I swear that hearing our voices helped calm him down, and it calmed us too." |
Anthony Costanzo was born on May 7th, 2020 at 4:41pm, weighing in at 1 lbs. 9 oz. He entered the world at the very tender age of 24 weeks of gestation and as a micro-preemie, stayed in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Brigham & Women's Hospital (Boston) for four months with his loving and devoted parents, Joe and Adrianna Costanzo of Franklin, MA at his side. |
This was the beginning of a very special daily story time for the Costanzo family and the impetus for Warrior Family Books For NICU, a campaign to help other parents bond with their newborns in the intensive care units of two Boston hospitals, including Brigham & Women's Hospital and Tufts Medical Center. |
"We would love to help give this opportunity to the families that have a baby or babies in the NICU to bond together during a very difficult time," said Joe Costanzo. "When a baby is in the NICU, it can be tough for parents/family to physically bond with their children due to the breathing tubes, incubator and rest time needed for the baby to grow. Accepting this is hard and having a book to read to your baby really helps to bond everyone together."
The family isn’t stopping there. They recently set up their “Warrior Family Books For NICU” tent at the Franklin, MA Farmers Market, where they successfully collected new and gently used baby books destined for Boston NICU’s.